Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Years ago you were a war vet to get a tattoo, now you go to Miami or San Diego and look around. More and more people have tattoos and as I have said soooo many times before it's a growing fad because our generation doesn't mind tattoos as the last did and if we don't mind neither will our children. I thought you guys might be pretty intrigued by some statistics I found.

The U.S. News and World Report, October 1997
-Tattooing is the United States' 6th fastest growing retail business

In April of 2005 it was said that
-The number of women with tattoos quadrupled from 1960 to 1980

Harris Interactive found out in July of 2003
- 16% of all adults have at least one tattoo
- 31% of people with tattoos are gay, lesbian, or bisexual
- 36% of those with tattoos are between 25-29 years old
- 34% of people with tattoos feel sexier because they are tattooed
- 29% of adults with tattoos feel more rebellious
- 17% of those with tattoos regret getting them
- Democrats are more likely to be tattooed than Republicans, but Republicans are more likely to regret them

A 2006 a study done by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that
- 24% of Americans between 18 and 50 are tattooed or almost one in four
- about 36% of Americans age 18 to 29 have at least one tattoo
-17% of those people have thought about having a tattoo removed
-5% of them have had a tattoo covered up with a different design

So pretty much women who are Democrats and lesbian are most likely to have tattoos?
Not necessarily. But it's pretty interesting to think about.
So what about you... What do you think our children will be like if the statistics keep growing as they are?

Thanks to: and


  1. I think that they're going to be way more open-minded in to this growing fad. The only negative thing about it that as the generation continues to grow and expand the meaning of the tattos are going be more rediculous. When tatoos first became they were a symbol for something meaningful. Now teens in this generation get dumb meaningless tattos such as stars or four leaf clovers.

  2. since tattoos are a growing fad, it's not rebellious or unconventional to have a tattoo anymore. so by the time we have kids, it won't be unusual or anything. ha, i wouldn't be surprised if some parents take their kids to a tattoo parlor for their tenth birthday. haha. that'd be something else.

  3. I think that it will be more common and the types of tattoos will expand.
    I don't think people will care as much as to who gets them.

  4. I think maybe they will grow for a while, but will probably come to an end or a slow down after a while. I think tattoos are a great way to express yourself though, so I wouldn't really care if my children got tattoos, haha.
