Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Full-Body Tattoos

I'm all about expressing yourself, and doing it to your absolute fullest. But some people are too crazy for me.

Full body tattoos are cool, but can you even imagine the pain that you would have to go through to get something that detailed? And yet if you don't do something that detailed then you'll just have a lame tattoo that in a few years you'll realize was nothing but a mistake.

Some people do it though, they have more guts then I ever would and most are the people you least expect. As you can see my man to the right, has a cross, more then one mural of Jesus. In a survey it was found that more then 60% of tattoos either were a religious symbol or gotten for religious reasons. Most of the tattoos you see on the streets don't necessary look religious, and some people don't even take the time to look and see what the tattoo is of before they judge.

Tattoos are a huge part of many people's lives, and that makes sense. But to cover your body, not just mark it, is a difficult decision. You have to love your body and your ink in a way I doubt I will ever know.

So how much tattooing could you endure?


  1. I think that full body tattoos are really unique and that it does help express yourself. My ex-stepdad was in the process of getting a full body tattoo, he already had both of his arms covered, and his back, he was working on his chest. I wouldnt ever do a full body tattoo. I dont think i could take the pain. My mom just got her 10th or 11th tattoo, i, not sure on Monday on the back of her neck. The way i look at it is;;It's their body, they can do what they want with it :)

  2. ha i can take a pretty large amount of physical pain, but a full body tattoo is just way too much. i could probably get maybe one or two tattooes at the most. i do plan to get one when i turn 18l. i'm not quite sure what i want yet but i definitely know i want it on my shoulder. and maybe one on my ankle.

  3. Personally, I think full body tattoos are ugly. But, if that's what they like, then go for it. I think I would just keep getting tattoos as I wanted them, whether it hurts or not. But I'd still want to look professional for a job someday so they would probably all be covered areas.

  4. I could only endure one tatoo, for my main man BATMAN!
    I don't see getting all those tatoos to be necessary...It looks all cluddered and messy, but im sure that they understand everything about it.

  5. I only want to get three tattos done. I want my virgo symbol on my hip. I want initals on each of my wrists, and I want a scripture on my back.

  6. This middle-aged woman came into logan's asking for directions yesterday, and she had little elephants trailing behind one another in alternating pastel colors. It looked like crap.

    I hear about people skimping on tattoos all the time. In a way that's a good thing, because you must really want it, but i think badly drawn tattoos look terrible. I think sleeves look cool, but I could never go to my entire body.
