Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Celebrity Tattoos

Do celebrities actually effect what some people do?
Celebrities sporting tattoos like there's no tomorrow isn't a new thing. Most celebrities have had or got tattoos way before the fad started. Like Cher for instance, got her first tattoo in 1972 when 'good girls didn't get tattoos' as she said. And worse then that it was across her lower back and butt area. She was proud to have it, and helped influence others to get tattoos as well.
the five top celebs that have helped to influence that tattoo world are: Mike Tyson, Johnny Depp, Travis Barker, Alyssa Milano, and Angelina Jolie.
They aren't the only ones but they have had a huge impact on the tattooing world. And some of them haven't even been celebrities that long.
The tattoo industry has these few people and others like them to praise and scold. Tattooing is an art, and many people no longer take it seriously because some celebrities don't take it seriously. Monkey see, monkey do.
But with shows such as Miami Ink, LA Ink, and INKED all out there I hope that people get set on track. Tattoos are a serious thing, you have them forever and you either love or hate them forever.
So take the steps to getting a tattoo you'll love forever.
1. Decide you want it.
2. Take a two week time to really think it over.
3. Meet with an artist to discuss your wanted art.
4. Chose what you want.
5. Chose placement.
6. Get it!



  1. This is hard in a way because you really have to think about what you want, because it is basically stuck with you forever. But I do agree that celebrities have a huge impact on what everyone else does, but sometimes I think that people should do their own thing.

  2. I think it's hard because you have to pick something that you can look at forever and can still appreciate it when it's blurred and sagging.
