Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy Tattoos

So many people get tattoos that when another person sees it their initial thought is "Wow, what the heck? What were they thinking? or Just Why??" But why does it matter to you? It's another person's body, another person's choice right?
But no matter who's body it is on or what it is we have judgement. Some people go as far as if you have a tattoo at all you are rebellious and just not right. Well it's changing, and it's changing fast. Sooo many people have tattoos now and it is a well known fact that teens think that the best birthday present for the big one eight is a tattoo complements of mommy or daddy's wallet.
But who cares what you have on your body right?

Actually the population does. You get weird looks and told that you're insane simply because of what means something to YOU. Because that's what a tattoo is right? A personal meaning.. Something that touches your life. Well I figured you guys would enjoy looking at some of the ones I found amusing or really touching.

So what about you? What do you honestly immediately do when you see a tattoo, or someone covered in tattoos?


  1. The first thing i think is "wow, that's cool!" I really want a tattoo someday, but I have to wait until i move out of the house. parent's rules:( But yeah, if i see a tattoo or someone covered in them, i think of how cool it is. like all the guys in screamo and punk bands have all tattoos so it almost looks like they're wearing a long-sleeved shirt. it's pretty cool.

  2. I reallllly love the Isabella tattoo. Its SO cute. If I see someone covered in tattoos, I don't judge them I guess because I'm so used to seeing them. I like to stare at them and try to figure out what they mean.

  3. i love tattoos, and i want a couple. i would never get anything huge because i have this problem with commitment, and just the thought, no matter how much i loved it, would drive me crazy.

    i want a few small ones. anyways, i love sleeves and things that are meaningful, like the top one. I think there's nothing worse than a bad quality tattoo and while it may say a little about the person, it's not so much as to make me judge them.

  4. I think it's cool. Yea, there are some out there that people should have never gotten, or that look really bad. But others can pull it off and look good covered in tattoos.

  5. When I see a tattoo I think its really cool. And I think tattoos on guys are pretty cute(: I want a tattoo when I turn 18!
